Overall Games Played
How many games you have played in total.
Total Play Time
How long you’ve played for in total.
Total Words Made
How many words you’ve made in total.
Highest Speed Bonus
The longest streak of words you’ve spelled in a row super quick.
Average Score
The scores from all games you’ve played combined, divided by the number of games you’ve played.
Average Score (Last 5 Games)
The scores from your last five games combined, divided by five.
Unique Words Made
How many words you’ve made from our list of words.
Dictionary Completion
How many words you've spelled from our Dictionary. There are 2467 total, can you spell them all?
Last Game Total Score
How many points you scored in your last game.
Words Made
How many words you made in your last game.
Speed Bonus Points
How many Speed Bonus Points you scored in your last game.
Highest Speed Bonus
The largest Speed Bonus you got in your last game.
Play Time
How long your last game lasted.
Average Solve Time
The average amount of time it took you to spell a word in your last game.
Fastest Solve Time
The quickest word you spelled in your last game.
Slowest Solve Time
The longest time it took to spell a word in your last game.
Words Made
A list of all the words you spelled in your last game.
New Words Made
Words you spelled in the last game that you had not spelled in previous games.