New Players
New players are acquired through the recruiter (accessed via the RECRUIT tab).
The recruiter provides new players through talent searches and exclusive offers.
Talent Search
The recruiter always offers three different talent searches. Each search contains a combination of plays and players.
Local Search
1 play
2 players, each with 1 to 4 stars
Statewide search:
1 play
2 players, each with 2 to 5 stars
Nationwide search:
5 plays
10 players, each with 2 to 5 stars
The more stars a player has, the higher their max potential, and the better their ratings and skills will become.
The more stars a player has, the rarer they are.
Leveling Up
- Leveling up a player increases their rating, improving their performance and getting them closer to their next star.
- From the MANAGE tab, tap the POSITION of the player you want to level up. Then, tap the green LEVEL UP button next to the player's portrait.
- Leveling up a player requires sufficient training whistles. The green LEVEL UP button shows the number of training whistles required to level up the player. If there are insufficient training whistles, the LEVEL UP button will be grayed out.
Unlocking Stars
- Unlocking stars for a player will improve or unlock one of their skills.
- This happens every 10 levels, except for the final star, which makes them a legend.
- You need to obtain enough silver and duplicates of a player to unlock a star.
Making Players into Legends
Each player that becomes a legend permanently boosts all of the ratings of their position by 1%.
To become a legend, the player needs to reach their final star.
Duplicate Players
- Duplicates are required to unlock stars and make players into legends.
- Duplicates are acquired through the recruiter, in the same way that new players are acquired.
- The number of duplicates you have of each player is shown by the DUPLICATE symbol on the player’s profile.
Player Skills
- Skills are extra abilities that some players have. Skills can be either passive or active.
- Different skills affect how well your team performs in a game.
Passive and Active Skills
Skills that are glowing will affect the current play. There are two types of skills.
- Passive skills: always automatically come into play in the right circumstances, as shown in the skill’s description.
- Active skill: need to be manually activated when fully charged.
Active skills gain charge whenever the player is used during a play.
When active skills are fully charged and flashing, you can activate them by pressing on the player’s portrait, then pressing on the active skill button.
If you are playing in AUTO mode, the game will automatically activate any active skills as soon as they become available.
Once a skill has been activated, it cannot be deactivated.
Player Dreams
- Every player has a dream. Each player’s dream can be seen in their player profile.
- Fulfilling a dream permanently boosts all of that player’s ratings by 10%.
- You can help fulfil a player’s dream by making use of them during games.
IR, OR, SP, LP Play Styles
There are four play styles. Each offensive play falls into one of four categories.
IR - Inside Run
OR - Outside Run
SP - Short Pass
LP - Long Pass
Every player has a rating for each play style, showing how good they are when used in various plays.