Probability Pie
The probability pie shows you how likely a play is to succeed. There are four different sections in which the spinner may stop.
- Green section: the offensive team’s play succeeds
- Red section: the offensive team’s play fails
- Bright green section: the offensive team gets a breakaway and makes extra yards
- Dark red section: the offensive team messes up and turns over the ball
To reveal (or hide) other factors influencing the probability, such as player clashes and morale, tap on the current play.
AVG. GAIN tells you how many average yards your team will move forward on a successful play.
It is possible to move more or less than the AVG. GAIN, so be careful when you need to make those last few yards!
Play Knowledge
- Play knowledge represents how familiar your football program is with that play.
- Increasing play knowledge will raise the level of the play.
- Increasing the level of the play will permanently increase the average yards gained for that play.
- Increase play knowledge by obtaining duplicates of plays from the recruiter.
IR, OR, SP, LP Play Styles
There are four play styles. Each offensive play falls into one of four categories.
IR - Inside Run
OR - Outside Run
SP - Short Pass
LP - Long Pass
Every player has a rating for each play style, showing how good they are when used in various plays.
- Each play has three key players who determine how successful the play will be.
- The ratings of those players for that play style (IR, OR, SP, and LP) are shown in the play details.
- The play details also show which players from the opposing team will be squaring off against your key players in the clash.
- The higher your key players’ ratings are, the better chance they have of beating their rivals in a clash.
Special Teams Plays
There are four special teams plays that you can choose from when on offense.
- Punt: kicks the ball up the field at any time. It turns the ball over to your rival’s team, but ensures that they start as far away as possible.
- QB Kneel: a safe play that can be done at any time. There is no chance of fumbling the ball, but you will lose a few yards.
- Field Goal: kick the ball through the goal posts for 3 points. It can only be attempted from within 50 yards of the end zone.
- PAT Attempt: kick the ball through the goal posts for 1 point. This can only be attempted after scoring a touchdown."