Tournament Games
Tournament games are games played against the teams of other players around the world.
There are two types of tournaments; weekday tournaments and weekend tournaments.
Weekday Tournament: runs from Monday 00:00 UTC to Friday 12:00 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)
Weekend Tournament: runs from Friday 12:00 UTC to Monday 00:00 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)
To play a tournament, enter the PLAY screen and tap the TOURNAMENT tab.
Once you have played in the tournament, you will get a ranking and can start working your way up the prize tiers.
When you enter a tournament, you will be placed in a division based on your current campus prestige. Your current division is shown at the top of the Tournament screen.
Increase your prestige to enter a higher tournament division. Higher divisions have better tournament prizes!
To view the prestige you need to move to a higher division, enter the Tournament screen and press on the [ i ] next to the division header.
To view your tournament rank, enter the TOURNAMENT screen and tap [ i ] next to the division header.
To view your rank and total tournament points, enter the TOURNAMENT screen and tap RANKS.
Your tournament rank determines what prize tier you are in.
Each game you play earns you silver and training whistles.
Winning also gets you tournament points. Tournament points determine your rank in the tournament, so the more the better!
The higher the rank of your rival, the more tournament points you will earn from beating them.
At the end of the tournament, your rank will determine what prizes you win!
Tournament prizes arrive on the Tournament screen shortly after the tournament ends. If your prize hasn’t arrived yet, please check back in a few minutes.
To view the tournament prizes each tier earns, tap the PRIZES section or the [ i ] button next to the division header."