Monster Maintenance
Monsters will likely take damage in battle. They may even be knocked out, rendering them unable to fight until revived
- Injured Monsters may be taken into battle
- All damage can be healed, and knocked-out monsters revived
- A monster that was injured or knocked out, but not revived or healed in battle, can be manually healed or revived from the Monster Collection and Crew Setup screens
- Monsters will heal over time
- Knocked out monsters will revive over time
- Knocked-out monsters can not be taken into battle
Manual Healing / Reviving
An injured Monster will have a bloodied border around their portrait
- Tap and hold to open the Monster’s details screen.
- From the Stats tab, tap on heal
- Healing will cost 1 or more Med Kits, depending on damage.
- Obsidian may be used if the player lacks the required Med Kits. The cost is dependent on the damage needing to be healed
Instantly revive a knocked-out Monster from the Monster Collection screen
- Tap on the revive button to open the Monster Stats Tab and spend 2 Med Kits to revive.
- Obsidian may be used if the player lacks the required Med Kits
A monster selected by the player can be equipped by friends and fellow Syndicate members in fights
- Tap and hold a monster from the Monster Collection or pre-battle screen to view a monster
From the Stats tab, tap on SET HENCHMAN to make the monster available for use - When henchmen are used in fights, they help to generate free surplus